If you geek superheroes come to the Morristown Centennial Library's Batman Day on October 25 at 10:30 am! There will be activities for all ages, and youth of all ages are welcome to wear their costumes! Have your photo taken with our life size Batman display.
To geek means to to love, enjoy celebrate or have an intense passion for, to express an interest in, to possess a large amount of knowledge in, and finally, to promote something. It is used as a verb.
Even if you don't geek superheroes, come and tell us what it is in your life that you like to do--you'll be enriching the community, helping others learn new things and the library will support your interests.
When you get your geek on, you show your support for your library. Geek the library is a trademark of the national campaign brought to you by OCLC, a nonprofit cooperative with funding by a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It does not support any candidate for public office and does not take positions on legislation.