Bottle Drive

Past event
Oct 18, 2014, 10 AM to 1:30 PM

Swing1ng Seniors of Pownal Bottle Drive

When: Saturday October 18, 2014
Were: Pownal, Vt

The Swinging Senior of Pownal will be holding a bottle drive including water bottles. We will come to your home to pickup the bottles. If you would like us to pick up your bottles please call (802) 823-5290 please leave message with your name and address. You can leave the bottles at the end of your driveway. We will pick them up on Saturday after 10 am or if you wold like to drop them off go to the Fire House in Pownal Center there will be drop box there. This is a good change to keep water bottles out of the landfill.

The Swinging Seniors of Pownal thank you for your support!

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