The monthly Middlesex Trails Committee meeting is Monday, April 15 at 7pm. Everyone is welcome to attend and be part of the MTC. No appointment or election needed.
Traversing our trails the past six months has been very challenging, but conditions will improve just in time to enjoy spring wildflowers. We hope the new trailhead signs make it easier to find the public trails around town. More will be coming this summer. Let us know if you have any comments or questions. More info at
Join Zoom Meeting
7:00- Welcome, review of outcomes/agenda, Approve March meeting minutes
7:05 - Update on potential trails in the town village and at the Galaxy property on Colby Road (Russ Bennett invited)
7:30 -Update on trailhead signs including review of drafts.
7:40 - Bushey Road scouting date
7:45- Update from Conservation Commission and next steps for new loop trail in Town Forest
7:55 -Agenda items for next meeting and date of next meeting - Monday, May 13, 7pm
8- Adjourn
March minutes
Dec 27, 2024, 10 AM to 3 PM
Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program Winter 2025Jan 3, 2025, 10:30 to 11:30 AM
Craft Group at the Joslin Memorial LibraryJan 3, 2025, 1 to 3 PM