"The Farm Boy" Movie at The Aldrich Public Library

Past event
Apr 13, 2024, 2 to 4:30 PM

Join us in the Milne Community Room for a showing of the movie, The Farm Boy. Directed by local filmmaker, George Woodward of Waterbury, VT and produced by Joan Brace O'Neal.

The Farm Boy is a heart-stirring love story and a thrilling adventure.

In December of 1944, the war rages on in Europe. Leaving his new bride behind, Calvin Dillard is shipped to Belgium and thrown into what will become the Battle of the Bulge. He now faces a riveting adventure on a path that will test his strength and integrity.

(Q and A after the film with the director) This event is free and open to all.

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Aldrich Public Library, Washington Street, Barre, VT

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