SATURDAY, April 13, 10-12 (UVM Hort Farm)
Did you ever wonder what is in the soil in your garden? Or how you can manage it to grow good food to eat and protect the environment at the same time? In this presentation, Lindsey Ruhl will explain the inherent and dynamic properties of soil and the principles of soil health. She'll tell you the types of soil and how this affects plants, and how to achieve good soil. You will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience taking soil samples for routine soil health analysis. You'll be prepared for your gardens this spring. FREE EMG-E
This program is presented by the Friends of the UVM Horticulture Farm and will take place at the UVM Horticulture Farm, 65 Green Mountain Drive, So. Burlington.
Please register in advance at:
Mar 7, 2025, 12 PM
✨Willowell Boogie Benefit in Bristol ✨Mar 8, 2025, 6 to 9 PM
Important Notice: 2024-25 Property Tax Installment DueMar 12, 2025, 8 AM to 11:55 PM