If you love Hubbard Park, please attend the upcoming meetings of the Montpelier Parks Commission! The Commission intends to vote on NEW RESTRICTIONS FOR DOGS in Park that would ban off-leash dogs from the "core" of the Park at all times. There is a PUBLIC COMMENT meeting Tuesday, April 9 at 6pm at City Hall and on Zoom. The Parks Commission will vote to approve the new restrictions on May 7.
More information about the April 9 meeting and the Parks Commission's plans can be found here: https://montpeliervt.portal.civicclerk.com/event/5642/files/agenda/9643
The meeting minutes from the April 2 meeting (where the "split the park" proposal was first made) can be found online at this link: https://montpeliervt.portal.civicclerk.com/event/5642/files/agenda/9644 and a video recording can be found online at this link: https://www.orcamedia.net/show/april-2-2024-pkc
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