Topic: Budget Presentation April 9

Past event
Apr 9, 2024, 6 to 9 PM

MAUSD Community,

During the meeting on 4/2, the board discussed many themes that have emerged since the original failed budget vote. We are thankful that so many people turned up to offer input, support, and voice opinions, as well as seek information that will help them make an informed decision on April 16th for the budget revote.

The board heard concerns from teachers, parents, students, and community members on topics like RIF notices, student impact, and community values. Despite disagreement from the community about who was issued RIF notices, the RIFs that have been issued are taking into account the WORST CASE SCENARIO. There are still approximately half a million dollars worth of savings to realize from other budget areas in this same worst case scenario. A passed budget makes these RIFs, and all other potential RIFs, unnecessary to consider.

The board recognizes the tension of this budget. We have heard from our community that there are too few answers to too many questions. We acknowledge the stress, frustration, and disappointment many of our community members have expressed. We are learning all the time how we may use new ways to approach difficult topics and create meaningful solutions that benefit the children of our district.

Voting on this new budget does not prohibit continued conversations about thematic or new points of contention nor detract from their importance. A budget revote for level-service spending now and continued budget development can exist together. The impact of continued community engagement is a reduced likelihood that we will have subsequent years with misalignments leading to defeated school budgets.

On Tuesday April 9th from 6-9pm in the Mt. Abraham library, the MAUSD Board will present a final draft presentation of the new proposed budget.

This presentation will include:

1) An overview of the state of education funding in Vermont
Drivers in education costs including legislative Acts and formulas, decreasing relief funds from Covid era money, rising health care costs, and the impact of rising costs of education in general.

2) Quick review of the failed budget
Defining what kind of budget the Board set and what variables we used to do so.
What the tax impact would have been to support that budget.

3) Revised Budget overview with tax impact
Items that were reduced take advantage of attrition in teaching positions, relinquishing funds set for the Addison Consortium Project along with reducing staff in that area, leaving a few positions vacant (maintenance utility position and social emotional intensive coach) and reducing construction services line by $250, 000.
New proposed budget uses $305,000 from the Educational Reserve Fund to increase revenue to offset costs associated with level-service spending.
This budget maintains all services provided in the previous fiscal year, substantially reduces anticipated tax increase, and would mean no reductions in workforce are necessary.
These changes are short-term solutions to continued budgetary pressures.
Tax impact to support the new budget by town.
Removal of purchase of central office from consideration. Money that would be allocated for that purpose remains in the budget for other construction projects despite the drop in that line item of $250,000. There is no other approved plan for central office space.

4) Variables for future budgets in MAUSD
Community input throughout the budget process.
Aligning community values and district goals.
Budget talks throughout the year as part of our business agendas.

We hope to see you all in the coming weeks.

The MAUSD Board

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