The average life expectancy for an Autistic person is 36-54 years. This should make everyone extremely alarmed; it is not acceptable.
There is nothing inherent to having an autistic brain that makes this remotely understandable or OK. This is a consequence of how autistic people are (under)valued, (dis)respected, (mis)understood, and (mal)treated by doctors, educators, peers, and our society more generally. IT HAS TO CHANGE. And change starts with all of us listening to autistic people and shifting our own thinking.
Please consider joining All Brains Belong for their upcoming webinar, "The Impact of Stigma on Autistic Health" on 4/16 at 6pm (recording also made available for asynchronous listening/learning).
Whether you can join live or would like to listen to it later, the important thing is to register:
Tickets are available by donation, with 100% of proceeds supporting All Brains Belong's free social connection programs for kids and adults in Vermont.
Please consider joining this webinar and spreading the word about it to others in your networks – especially educators and healthcare providers.
Feb 6, 2025, 6 PM
Exploring Climate Change in VermontFeb 6, 2025, 7 to 8:30 PM
Statewide Fishing Derby (Rack N' Reel)Feb 8, 7 AM to 5 PM, Feb 9, 2025