Cabot Community Contra Dance Friday, April 12!

Past event
Apr 12, 2024, 7:30 to 10 PM

Celebrate the arrival of spring weather (hopefully!) by coming to the Cabot Community Contra Dance on Friday, April 12, featuring the wonderful calling of Luke Donforth, a favorite of our dance community! The dance takes place in the lovely 3rd floor space in the Willey Building (Cabot Town Hall, 3084 Main St), from 7:30-10pm, with a short intro session for new folks at 7:15. Live music is provided by a a great group of local musicians--feel free to just come and listen if you prefer!

All dances are taught, and don't require any special skills or level of coordination. Everyone is welcome, and anyone can dance with anyone (the dances don't rely on gender), generally changing partners with each dance. You can come to the dance alone, with a friend or sweetheart, or your whole family!

Admission is on a sliding scale, $5-10 suggested, but nobody is turned away. Masks are welcomed but not required, and we encourage you to bring a pair of clean, dry shoes to change into, to preserve the dance floor from snow, salt, and mud!

Hope to see you at the dance!

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Event Info

Willey Building (Cabot Town Hall, 3084 Main St)

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