Ch-Ch-Changes: What to Expect with Perimenopause

Past event
Apr 16, 2024, 7 to 8:30 PM

with Kelly McCarthy
Hosted by Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism

online class
recorded + closed captioning available

Between now and never having your period again there is a big hormonal rollercoaster to ride. Buckle up!

Whether this change is on the horizon, already in process, or perhaps you want to support a client, friend, or family member - this class will walk you through herbal and dietary supports, as well as a roadmap of what to expect.

I often hear from people who have been through menopause: "I wish someone had told me what was going on." That's what this class aims to do.

Kelly McCarthy, RH(AHG), is a clinical and community herbalist who teaches classes and works with clients online and in Abenaki land, Montpelier, Vermont, and Lenni-Lenape land, Philadelphia. She is a Registered Herbalist with the American Herbalist Guild, a 2014 graduate of VCIH, and completed her Somatic Experiencing trauma resolution training in 2022. She currently spends a lot of time gardening, supporting the Philly Herb Hub, and working to create the anti-capitalist world she wants to live in. You can read more about Kelly and her work at

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