WETLANDS in Vermont INFO SESSION management of Wetlands & Tile Drains
Tuesday, April 9th 9:30 am - Noon
In person: Derby Town Office (124 Main St)
Virtual option: Teams Meeting link: https://tinyurl.com/Wetlands-Workshop-OCNRCD
This workshop is geared towards landowners, farmers, town officials including road foreman's and professionals who need to know about wetlands for their clients. The event will include presentations by the VT Department of Environmental Conservation, Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Army Corp of Engineers, Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Orleans County Conservation District. Information covered will include: basics of wetlands and their important ecological functions; review of state and federal regulations for preserving and managing wetlands and tile drains, and an overview of the available technical and financial resources.
For questions, please contact:
Sponsored by: the Vermont Forest Products Association, Vermont Municipal Clerks and Treasurer's Association and the Vermont Farm Bureau.
Since 1946, the Orleans County Natural Resources Conservation District (OCNRCD) has protected and enhanced the soils and waters of Orleans County through solutions to local environmental concerns. OCNRCD provides leadership, education and services for the implementation of lasting land stewardship practices.