Since 2007, we have been featuring talented songwriters in April for recognition of National Poetry Month. The Beeline Ramblers were part of the initial program and it is our pleasure to welcome them back with guest performers Grahm and Katie.
The Beeline Ramblers. Fran Mandeville and Lisa Mandeville have been reviewed as "being created to create." Both Lisa and Fran are multi-talented musicians and song-writers. Lisa has been writing and singing songs since being introduced to music as a child. Her performances have included festivals and concerts, tours in Africa and an invitation to Geneva, Switzerland for a conference with women world leaders. Fran has been writing and performing songs as he traveled and worked from Colorado to Maine and in-between. Their depth of life experiences is portrayed in their repertoire, which includes blues, folk, and old-time music. In addition to their beautiful vocal harmonies they each bring expertise on instruments including guitar, slide guitar, dulcimer, mandolin, banjo, and limberjacks. We hope that you can join us for what promises to be a delightful performance.
Mar 7 to 9, 2025
Stand Up for Science This Friday at UVMMar 7, 2025, 12 to 2 PM
Mah-JonggMar 13, 2025, 6:30 to 8:30 PM