American Red Cross Blood Drive

Past event
Oct 15, 2014, 11:30 AM to 5 PM

Red Cross Logo
Hello all,

Richmond Community and the American Red Cross are hosting an upcoming blood drive.

Please join our lifesaving mission and schedule an appointment today!

Drive Details:
Site: Holy Rosary Catholic Church Hall
Address: 64 W Main Street, Richmond, VT, 05477
Room Name: Parish Hall
Date: Wed Oct 15, 2014
Time: 11:30 AM - 5:00: PM
Coordinator Name: Marty Corbett
Click here to make an appointment

Your help is needed, to maintain a healthy blood supply. Only you can help, please make an appointment. Marty Corbett 802-434-2252

The need for blood is constant and only volunteer donors can fulfill that need for patients in our community. Nationwide, someone needs a unit of blood every 2 to 3 seconds and most of us will need blood in our lifetime.

Thank you for supporting the American Red Cross blood program!

American Red Cross Blood Services - 2025 E St. NW, Washington, DC, 20006
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