Selectboard Agenda for Monday, April 1

Past event
Apr 1, 2024, 6:30 PM

Town of Wallingford
Selectboard Meeting
Monday, April 1, 2024
Wallingford Town Hall ~ 6:30 p.m.

1. Call the Meeting to Order 6:30

2. Reorganize 6:30

3. Agenda Additions/Deletions 6:35

4. Approval: 6:35
• Selectboard Minutes – 03/04/24 & Informational Meeting Minutes 03/04/24
• Pay Orders 04/02/24

5. Road Commissioner's Report 6:40
~ Annual Financial Plan for VTrans
~ Class 2 Paving Grant Application
~ Street Sign for Jessup Way

6. Honorable Mentions 6:50

7. Public Comments 6:55

8. Green Mt National Forest – 7:00
~ Guest – Martina Barnes provides overview of activities.

9. Meet with Committee/Commission Chairs 7:15
~ Recreation and Wallingford Day

10. Recreation Committee Grant Application 7:25
~ Vermont Community Foundation Grant

11. Ballfield Flood Repairs 7:35

12. Annual Dog Registration Due Date 7:45

13. Annual Appointments/Reappointments 7:50

14. Summer Hires for Public Beach and Summer Camp 8:00
~ Hourly Rates?

15. Local Emergency Operational Plan and NIMS Adoption 8:10

16. Public Works Mutual Aid Agreement and Designees 8:20

17. Development Review Board Alternates 8:25

18. Second Class Liquor and Tobacco Licenses 8:40
~ Family Dollar

19. Selectboard Comments/Concerns 8:45

20. Other Business 8:50

21. Adjourn

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