Age Well and St. Catherine's of Siena Parish in Shelburne are teaming up to provide a meal to go for anyone age 60 and older on Tuesday April 9, 2024 . The meal will be available for pickup in the parking lot at 72 Church Street from 11 a.m. until noon on April 9. The meal consists of Chicken in Gravy with Mashed Cauliflower, Diced Carrot, Southern Biscuit with Butter, Carrot Cake with icing, and 1/2 pt. milk. A $5 donation is suggested, but not required.
To order a meal: please contact Kathleen. Email (PREFERRED): or Phone: 802-503-1107. Deadline to order is Wednesday April 3. (If this is a first-time order, please provide: name, address, Phone number, and Date of Birth.)
If you haven't yet filled out a 2024 Congregate Meal Registration form, please bring a completed registration form with you or send one to: Age Well; 875 Roosevelt Highway, Ste. 210; Colchester, VT. 05446. Also we will have forms on hand for you to fill out at meal pick up.
An Age Well representative will be available at meal pickup time to obtain Restaurant tickets to dine at one of the participating restaurants. A $5 donation is suggested. More information on this program can be located on the Age Well site:
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