Peak Physical Therapy Sports and Performance Center and Whole Health Nutrition invite your to our annual wellness fair open house. This is our treat to you. We hope you will stop in a for a FREE class or just join us for FREE smoothie samples. In addition to the workshops there will be ongoing injury screenings, smoothie sampling, coffee tasting, chair massage, henna, and kid friendly activities.
10:00 - Story Time Kids Yoga (parents welcome to attend) with Stephanie O’Callaghan
10:45 - Core Hiit Boot Camp with Ian Marquis (teens and adults welcome)
11:30 - Self Defense Class with Doug Dupont
12:15 - RedCord Class with Kristina Marcussen or Jamie Sheahan
1:00 - iRest Yoga Meditation (Yoga Nidra) with Susan Ide
1:45 - Breathing for Athletic Performance with Josh Wellenstein
2:30 - VO2 Max Demo with Jamie Sheahan and Nutrition 102 - Beyond the Basics
Also on hand will be our partners in wellness including;
Healthy Living Market and Cafe
Fleet Feet
Vermont Naturopathic Clinic
Phoenix Books
and more.
Mar 10, 2025, 6:30 to 7:30 PM
Messiah in the Passover PresentationMar 11, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM
Town of Essex Sand Hill Rd Truck Traffic StudyMar 13, 2025, 6:30 to 8:30 PM