Guilford Trails Committee
Wednesday, March 20, 6:30 pm
236 School Road, Guilford, VT
Public is welcome to attend in person or via Zoom. Link below
Call to Order -1 minute
Recognition of Public -1 minutes
Rules of Procedure -1 minute
Changes to Agenda Order -1 minute
Attendee feedback session-35 minutes
What does your vision for trails in Guilford look like?
What is the role of the Trails Committee in your vision?
In what capacity would you like to serve in this effort?
Inventory targets-10 minutes
Public and quasi-public lands
Snowmobile trails with potential for year round use
ATV trails
existing paths
Class 4 roads and Legal trails*
private land for possible new trails
Brainstorm ideas-35 minutes
short term projects
longer term projects that may require funding, landowner engagement,
Select Chair, Clerk-5 minutes
*see spreadsheet: Legals Trails Inventory. Paper copies will be available at the meeting
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