Bristol Energy Committee
March 20, 2024 Agenda
Meet at 7:00pm in the Holley Hall Conference Room and by Zoom
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(pdf version of this agenda:
Citizen Comments/Concerns
Approve February 2024 meeting minutes
Approve agenda
Clarification on term lengths, to be shared with V. Capels by Carl E.
Sally has agreed to re-up for two to three years.
Update on EV chargers
Update on MERP - MERP Gmail - Bristol Town Plan - Energy Section.pdf
Community Capacity Building Mini-Grants
The BEC's role in surveying the Town of Bristol re. bringing in VGS
BEC by-laws
ACRPC Survey - Gmail - FW_ Important_ Survey to qualify for implementation funding - Due 3_21.pdf
Possible entries for "3. Municipality's highest priority project relating to greenhouse gas emissions":
A new net-zero town garage on the land the voters just authorized the town to buy on Hewitt Rd. Estimate: $2 million for building, geothermal installation, solar panels and battery back-up.
Installing solar panels on the high-school and/or Bristol elementary school.
Installing trench ground-source heat pumps for the Bristol elementary school.
Due 3/21/24 (Tomorrow!)
Update on Geothermal System for Bristol Schools
Bristol Town Plan-Energy Section.pages
Thermal energy network (TEN)
TEN - Gmail - Announcing a New Toolkit_ How to Develop a Thermal Energy Network.pdf
Additional items?
April's Meeting:
Jared Rodriguez would like to join us at the April Energy Committee meeting. He and Debbie New would like to give a TEN's intro with Q&A. We'd like to invite Jill or Cyrus from VTUMS, a few business owners, and others who may be interested. Ideally, starting at 7:00, 7:15, or 7:30 and having 45-60 minutes for presentation and discussion.
Finally, relevant reads courtesy of Richard Butz:
Why State Land Use Reform Should Be a Priority Climate Lever for America - RMI
How Utility Regulators Can Unlock $12.7 Billion in Annual Savings for Customers - RMI
(pdf version of this agenda:
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