Select Board Meeting Tuesday

Past event
Mar 19, 2024, 5 to 6:30 PM

5:00 PM
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Middlesex Town Hall & via Zoom
5 Church Street
Middlesex, Vermont 05602
(802) 223-5915

1. Call to order/amendments/welcoming guests

5:02 CONTINUATION OF ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING (Action likely on all the following items.)

2. Designating newspaper of record.

3. Appointment of Road Commissioner

4. (Re)appointments to the following town positions

a) Emergency Management Coordinator
b) Fire Warden
c) Tree Warden
d) Wrightsville Beach Management Representative
e) Recreation Director
f) E911 Coordinator
g) Animal Control Officer

5. Reappointing David Lawrence as Middlesex representative to the CVFiber Board with Bruce Stevenson as alternate

6. Reappointing Dell McDonough as Middlesex's representative to the Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District.

7. Reappointing Ronald Krauth as Middlesex's representative to the Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission with Mitch Osiecki serving as alternate


5:30 Approving the minutes of the March 13, 2024, Emergency Meeting, the February 29, 2024, Vicious Dog Hearing and the February 20, 2024, Regular Meeting. Action likely.

5:35 Reviewing and possibly amending the agenda for the March 19, 2024, Regular Meeting. Action likely.

5:40 Monthly meeting with the Middlesex Volunteer Fire Department. Action possible.

5:50 Highway report: update on Town road conditions, etc. Action possible.

6:00 Considering creating a "mud-road" subcommittee that would research the cost of road repairs, potential grant funding, paving costs, etc. Action possible.

6:15 Approving Marc Steinberg and Linda Hsu's application for a buyout of their camp at 366 VT Route 12. Action likely.

6:20 Update, if any, on the VT Bond Bank Municipal Climate Recovery Fund loan of $938,000. Action possible

- Correspondence: letters from Jeremy Goff and Evelyn Prim. Action possible.
- Orders
- Any other matter that may come before the Board.

6:30 Adjournment

***NOTE: The Select Board will break at 6:30 PM to hold a BCA Meeting***

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Meeting ID: 739 338 0675
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5 Church St, Middlesex, VT 05602

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