Join the Calais and East Montpelier Historical Societies for sugar-on-snow, a potluck and speaker Henry Marckres, retired Vermont Agriculture maple specialist, on Monday, March 18. Potluck at 6:00pm, sugar-on-snow and discussion with Henry after the potluck. Come for all or part of the evening, Calais Town Hall, 1662 Kent Hill Road, Calais. For the potluck, please bring your own plates and utensils. Coffee, tea – and snow, maple syrup, pickles, and donuts - will be provided. Donations will be accepted to help cover the cost.
For over 30 years, Henry Marckres was the "go to" person for maple syrup related questions at the Vermont Agriculture Department with the title of Consumer Protection Chief/Maple Specialist. Henry promoted best practices to keep maple the premier product of Vermont. Internationally recognized, Henry is considered one of the world's leading maple experts, and he was raised right here in Vermont. Bring your questions about maple: Why was the maple syrup grading system changed? Does maple syrup flavor vary among states and Canada? How is the flavor protected from "off flavors" from packaging containers? What is the future of sugaring in Vermont?
Questions? Email
Donna Fitch, Calais Historical Society
Mar 3, 2025, 1 to 2:30 PM
Town MeetingMar 4, 2025, 10 AM to 1 PM
Fly Tying ClassesMar 6, 2025, 6 to 8 PM