"Fire, Rock, and Ice" is the topic of the Lamoille Valley Osher Lifelong Learning series at the Stowe Cinema Triplex, 454 Mountain Road, from 1-2pm on Wednesday, March 13. Doors open at 12:30pm.
Longtime amateur astronomer Neil Perlin, one of the founders of the Morristown-based Lamoille County Star Gazers, will speak about the basics of our solar system, for example, how the sun formed, why the planets take their present forms in their present positions, and what's beyond Neptune. Perlin will also describe some of the unusual features discovered over the years through space probes and ever more powerful telescopes.
To register for this presentation or for others in the series, go to learn.uvm.edu/olli/lamoille with your credit card or call 802-656-8407 during regular business hours. We can also assist you at the door.
Nov 24, 2024, 1 to 4 PM
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