Marlboro Alliance Board Meeting

Past event
Mar 11, 2024, 7 to 8:30 PM

All Marlboro residents are welcome to join the Alliance quarterly board meeting at the Community Center, Monday, March 11, 7pm. If you are interested in joining via zoom, please email

Come to hear what's the latest with the Alliance and its component organizations: Library, Community Center, Cares, Fair, Scholarships, and the MES Family Teacher Association.

7:00 Welcome and introductions

7:05 Minutes from the last meeting (December 11, 2024)

6:15 Reports
Community Center
Town Library
Treasurer/Finance Committee

6:30 New Business
Review of Retreat - Review the topics below. What's missing? We will all need to commit to helping to move these forward. We will end the discussion of each item with Next Steps? Who?
Organizational Communication
Annual planning session for appeals & events - March meeting?
Master calendar of major appeals & events
Tiered list of appeals & events based on fundraising goal
Consider events require volunteer time, not just donor money
Look into paid google account
Create Nominating Committee
New member for Finance Committee as Edie steps down
New member for ER as Edie steps down
New board member as replacement for Gail - Jess Robinson
Find Vice President
By laws changes - create subcommittee
Term limits
Quarterly reports
Volunteer database
Thank you letter - logo
"The _______ as a component of the Marlboro Alliance, thanks you.."
Change meeting start time to 6:30?

Upcoming events:
Spring Thaw Book Swap at the MCC, April 6
Volunteer Thank You Tea at the MCC, April 19
MCC closed for floor refinishing, April 29 - May 7
Summer Sale, July 26-28
Marlboro Fair, September 14

Next meeting: Monday, June 10, 2024, time?

Our mission:
To support, nurture and enrich the Marlboro, Vermont community

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Event Info

Marlboro Community Center, South Road, Marlboro, VT

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