Each day 6,200 children die from starvation and hunger-related disease
Turn Hunger to Hope With Your Own Two Hands
Alleviate hunger in Vermont and around the world. Volunteer for a two-hour shift packing food for starving children at the Feed My Starving Children MobilePack, October 17 and 18 at the AD Lawton School, Essex and Mt Abe High School, Bristol. Multiply your impact: Bring non-perishable food for local food shelves, make a monetary donation, and get friends to sponsor your volunteer time. Download a Volunteer Sponsorship form, get more information, donate, and register to volunteer at www.WithLoveFromVermont.com.
The most rewarding two hours you’ll ever spend making dinner!
Mar 5, 2025, 7:30 to 8:15 AM
Trapp Race to the Cabin, Sunday March 9Mar 9, 2025, 9 to 11 AM
The Artist's Way Creativity Group at JTLMar 10, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM