Learn How Dragon Boating Can Spice Up Your Summer

Past event
Mar 7, 2024, 6 to 7:30 PM

Looking for your next great adventure, a better reason to work out, or your new people? Dragon boating with Malia Paddling & Racing Club could fit the bill!

Never heard of dragon boating? Doesn't matter! We can tell you all about it.

If you're an active adult and you like the sound of "water sport," "team sport," "camaraderie," and "competition," then you should hear more about our programs and meet some of our members at the South Burlington Public Library Community Room, 6-7:30p on March 7.

Short presentation starts around 6:15; there'll be some brief social time and Q&A (and snacks) before and after. (Join late if you like, but make sure it's before the library doors close at 7p.)

If you like what you hear (or if you can't make this session), look for our other calendar events in March -- you can come try a gym workout with us or even come get an intro to paddling on a day trip to a specialized facility in Montreal!

Your RSVP is not strictly required, but it helps us plan for snackage! Just drop a line to manager@maliaracing.com.

Hope to see you there!

PS: Free parking on Market St, behind the library building, or across the street.

When you start typing in the location, it will offer you an autofill for the library.

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Event Info

South Burlington Public Library, Market Street, South Burlington, VT

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