Trunk or Treat and Costume Dance Party

Past event
Oct 25, 2014, 6 to 8 AM

You are invited to attend the 2nd Annual:
Trunk or Treat and Costume Dance Party
on Saturday, October 25th from 6:00-8:00 at the Guilford Central School.

Decorate your trunks and provide candy to the Trunk or Treaters from 6-6:30.

Prizes will be awarded for the best decorated trunks in the following categories:
Most Creative, Most interactive and Most Spooky…

Then, join us with your friends in the gym for a Costume Dance Party from 6:30-8:00, which will include:
Music, dancing, fun activities and snacks.

Suggested donation: $1 at the door

Many volunteers are needed to make this event a success.
Please contact if you are able to help with the planning or the production of this event. Thank you!

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