Your Vote is Your Voice – Vote Yes on BUUSD Budget

Past event
Mar 5, 2024, 7 AM to 7 PM

I am a Barre Town resident and taxpayer. I'm also a parent of two Spaulding High School alumni and Barre City Elementary & Middle School graduates.

On Town Meeting Day, I will be voting YES on the Barre Unified Union School District (BUUSD) budget.

My children benefited from the curricula, programs and the high quality and professional teaching staff and all levels of support staff that our BUUSD provides. They learned not only to complete academic work, but how to be productive members of a community. My children participated in many clubs, sports, activities such as Key Club, Student Council, National Honor Society, Chorus, Soccer, Wrestling, and Lacrosse which helped to shape these young adults into thoughtful, kind, and productive members of the community.

Our community will benefit from well-funded, fully staffed schools with rigorous academics and a variety of extracurricular activities. These things cannot happen without an appropriate school budget.

Please join me in voting YES on the BUUSD budget on or before March 5th.

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