Poor People's Campaign (PPC) March and Community

Past event
Mar 2, 2024, 10 AM

March 2nd will include a short march to the statehouse (starting at the Montpelier transit center 10 am and ending at the statehouse 11am. The event will be held outside, weather permitting. There will be music, art, food, and speakers. Accessible porta potties onsite, and a warming location for gathering before, during, and after the event. Contact me with questions about the rally or about PPC VT in general.

A key part of the PPC is giving the mic to the poor and dispossessed, and centering the lived experiences, shared by all of us, around poverty and precarity. We have the expertise to change the system, and we must lift from the bottom. The more bodies, the better to be seen and heard. Please join us! THANK You!

The Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for a Moral Revival is a nationwide coalition of organizations, people of faith, and diverse individuals directly impacted by poverty who are collectively calling on state and federal governments to address the interlocking injustices of racism, poverty, the war economy, and ecological devastation. Poverty is the 4th leading cause of death in this country, and there are 140 million poor and low-wealth people in the US (almost half the population) who are at, below, or just one crisis away from the "poverty line", while subsidies and policy preferences continue flowing to rich individuals and corporations. We believe you cannot address poverty without addressing the climate crisis, nor can we address systemic racism without addressing the war economy, and so on. It all goes hand in hand.

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