Fungi Friends: Tree Identification for Mushroom Foragers

Past event
Oct 5, 2014, 1 to 3 PM

Fungi Friends: Tree Identification for Mushroom Foragers - Audubon Vermont event
Sunday, October 5
1 - 3 p.m.

Have you been told to look for Hen of the Woods under decaying Ash trees? Search for Oysters on Sugar Maple and Beech? Many mushrooms associate with particular tree species, either in mutually beneficial relationship or as parasites. Understanding these relationships increases your odds of finding the mushrooms that you’re looking for. It also extends the foraging season beyond the rainy stretch when mushrooms are popping up - you can use your tree ID skills to scout for great potential fun(gi) locations in any season. We’ll use leaves, bark, branching and buds to build our tree ID skills. We’ll also keep our eyes open for associated edible mushrooms.

Ages: Adults and children 12+
Fee: Members $15, Non-members $20
Pre-registration is required: 434-3068
Meeting Place: Education Barn, Green Mountain Audubon Center

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