Do you know what high school students today think about the U.S. Constitution?
Vergennes American Legion Post 14 is hosting the District 1 Oratorical contest this coming Sunday, Feb. 25.
Audience members should arrive by 10 AM. No one will be seated or allowed to enter while a contestant is speaking.
A local high school junior will present an 8-10 minute Prepared Oration without notes, podium or microphone on a citizen's duties and responsibilities under our U.S. Constitution.
In the second phase of the contest, this contestant will address one of 4 Amendments in a 3-5 min. speech. The Amendments have been known since published in May 2023. One will be randomly selected for the contestant to speak on, again without a podium, microphone or notes.
Having completed this level of the program, the contestant will go on to the Department of Vermont American Legion Finals contest, Saturday, March 16, 2024 at the Barre Unitarian Universalist Church.
First place=$1500 and a trip to the National Oratorical Contest in Michigan to vie for $25,000, $22,500 or $20,000.
For more information about the Oratorical Program,
Karlene DeVine, Department of Vermont American Legion
Oratorical Program Director (802)377-7380
Feb 11, 2025, 12 to 1:15 PM
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