Informational Meeting on Town Budget on Feb. 26

Past event
Feb 26, 2024, 6 PM

Greetings from the Selectboard. We are busy getting ready for Town Meeting on March 5 and want you to know that we will host an informational hearing on February 26 at 6:00pm at the Town Hall and via Zoom ( The purpose of the hearing is to share information and answer questions about the proposed road grader bond, which will be voted by Australian ballot and therefore cannot be discussed at Town Meeting, and about our proposed 2024-24 town budget, which can be further discussed at Town Meeting. We hope you can join us.

The board had a productive meeting last Monday. Highlights included:

* We voted to accept the Vermont Bond Bank's offering for the $450,000 Curtis Pond dam bond approved by voters last Spring. The closing will occur in mid-March. Jamie Moorby is leading the effort to put the final pieces of financing together so we can complete construction this summer.

* We authorized the transfer of $60,000 to the East Calais Fire District to be used for improvements to the village water system. These funds were provided to the town through the American Rescue Plan Act.

* We received a presentation from Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission staff about possible funding opportunities for projects related to climate resilience and more. This is useful information as we prepare to update our town plan this year.

As always, feel free to contact any selectboard member with any questions, concerns or ideas you have for us.

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