Andrews Community Forest Committee
Regular Meeting Agenda
Monday February 19th, 2024 - 6:00 to 8:00 PM
Location: Richmond Town Center Meeting Conf. Room C, 3rd Floor, 203 Bridge Street.
Meeting will be held in person but may also be joined online or by phone
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 870 0932 2152
Passcode: 399802
Join by phone: 1 929 205 6099
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Agenda (* denotes item in 'packet')
a. 6:00-6:10 pm Standing Items - 10 minutes:
Start recording Zoom and unmute.
Roll call and confirm Quorum; Welcome and identify public in attendance.
Appoint time-keeper and minutes taker
Minutes of January 22nd, 2023 meeting*
Additions/Changes to Agenda
Updates from Work Groups*, and from RTC, RCC (if any)
Note: Chairperson may recognize Public Comment period of each Agenda item.
(Public in person please move to the table with microphones and identify themselves).
b. 6:10-6:20. Review our recommended language to request applications for vacant ACFC seats(*)
Objective: Agree on language and move to forward revised text to Town Administration by end of February. Schedule: Post early March, Close applications end March, RTC and RCC to review prior to our April meeting, then forward recommendations to Selectboard for their meeting in May.
c. 6:20-7:20 "Hotspots" conversation – 1 hour
- Identify hotspots and begin discussion on how we might move forward as a committee
Objective: Identify areas of disagreement and address those through respectful dialogue. Find a way to move forward on behalf of both conservation and recreation within the context of our guiding documents (management plan, easement, town plan, etc.).
d. 7:20-7:50. RFP review (*)
RFP working group - Brad, Ian (Daniel)
Objective: Identify a work group to document agreed changes for forwarding revised RFP after March meeting to Town Administrator
e. 7:50. Next meeting (March 25th, 2024) and Entertain Motion to Adjourn
Feb 3, 2025, 5 to 5:30 PM
EWSD Board Budget Meeting Feb. 4Feb 4, 2025, 6:30 to 9 PM
Online Feldenkrais® Classes: Freeing Your Neck!Feb 5, 2025, 4:30 to 5:30 PM