February calendar of events @ The Oasis
Friday 2/16 @ 9am:
Forestry chat with Hannah Dallas @ Reading Greenhouse
Oasis lounge.come with your forestry questions.email
Rsvp for the chat hannah.dallas@vermont.gov
Friday 2/23 9am-12pm
Art is alive- grab a pastry and coffee and observe some of
The master painters of our area as they gather and paint.
Saturday 2/24 10am-11:30am
Swedish fika with Sara Ronn:
Join us for a mid-morning pause and conversation;
Or as the swedes would say
"let's fika"
We'll be serving up hot coffee & tea with a plate of swedish
Fikabrod pastries. Fika is a concept, a state of mind, an
Attitude; making time for friends and colleagues to share a cup and something to eat... $5 per plate of iconic Swedish pastries (think...tea party) please rsvp to readinggreenhouse@gmail.com or call 802-484-7272
~~~~*also same day*~~~~
Saturday 2/24 12 pm
Poetry slam~*~ bring your voice, your poetry, readings, music and join us in this experience.
Coffee, tea and pastries will be available in the market