Happy Fall! What glorious weather and colors we have already in the neighborhood!
We have only 2 Markets left, so be sure to join us this week and next!
The Harvest Health coupons have been a great success and many have reaped from the FREE $10 worth of coupons to buy local from the farmer and producers directly with products like: vegetables, fruit, maple products, eggs, baked goods, bagels, preserves, meat, spices and more! You can do the whole of your shopping right here! Jeffersonville Farmers' and Artisan Market (JFAM) is the only market in Lamoille County with this offer thanks to a grant from NOFA-VT and USDA.
We have Fred Brauer and the HubCats playing this week and if you come by the the Welcome SNAP/EBT tent and tell us you saw this post by remarking Happy Kale Day!, we'll reward you with a Market token!
Shop local, support your community, hang out with your friends, hula-hoop to the tunes and feel great energy...Love is here.
In gratitude,
Deb and JFAM Crew