Dear friends and neighbors,
I would like to remind you of an opportunity to share with your fellow community members about the modern-day life and culture of India and its role in foreign affairs. The live-streamed Camden Conference is relevant to our lives and presents to us distinguished speakers on the topics of importance in the world today.
This live, virtual event will be held at the Greensboro Free Library on Friday evening, February 16, Saturday morning and afternoon, Friday 17, and Sunday morning, February 18.
Please join us for all or part of this experience. This event is free.
Bring a bag lunch if you can join us on Saturday so that we can share in a discussion during the hour and a half lunch break.
If you would like to learn more about this event, and see and print a copy of the agenda, click here:
Hope to see you at the Greensboro Free Library on Friday evening!
Mimi Benedict