Author, Paolo Battaglia Oct. 2

Past event
Oct 2, 2014, 6:30 to 7:30 PM

Italian Historian Paolo Battaglia will be our special guest this Thursday at 6:30pm in the Milne Community Room to kick off the brand new Autumn Authors at the Aldrich series. Battaglia’s most recent book is Explorers, Emigrants, Citizens: A Visual History of the Italian American Experience from the Collections of the Library of Congress. He will be visiting Barre as part of a nation-wide tour of 15 small towns with an Italian heritage. The aim of the project is to produce a documentary film, a book, and a traveling exhibition that will bring the story of their Italian immigrants back to all the towns he will visit. While in Barre, Battaglia will be meeting with key members in Barre’s Italian-American community, seeking living testimonies for the project. At Aldrich this Thursday, he will speak about his research and sign copies of his book which will be available for purchase. Free; light refreshments will be served.

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