6:00 Call to Order; Additions or Changes to Agenda and Administrative Items
Approve Minutes of January 22, February 4 (continued to Feb. 9), February 7, 2024
Move and Vote to Approve Board Orders; Sign Board Orders
Consider employee request for one day of bereavement leave
Authorize order for 2025 Western Star truck
Adopt Curtis Pond Dam Bond resolution
Authorize transfer of $60,000 in ARPA funds to East Calais Fire District
Sign Road Grader Bond Resolution (adopted January 22, 2024)
Redesignate Swim Committee appointees from one-year to two-year terms
Appoint the following Swim Committee members:
◦ Daniel Keeney, 2-year term ending March 2026
◦ Adrian Wade-Keeney, initial 1-year term ending March 2025
6:20 Public Comment: Up to 15 minutes; time will be divided so that everyone has equal time to speak
6:35 Municipal Climate Mitigation and Resilience Projects
The Calais Planning Commission is about to begin work on a new 8-year Town Plan which will envision how Calais would like to grow and develop in the future. They have invited the community to engage in a town-wide discussion about this at the Town Hall at 1:00 on Sunday, February 18. To help inform this discussion, the Selectboard has invited Sam Lash, a planner with the Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission, to speak with us about resources and programs available to help municipalities design and implement programs to facilitate climate mitigation and resilience. Sam will speak about resources available for carbon sequestration, energy efficiency and fuel switching for both buildings and Hwy. Dept. fleets, floodplain and wetland restoration, and other topics. Given the Selectboard's interest in affordable housing, Sam will focus some of her presentation on how these resources could facilitate planning for smart growth, such as sewer funding to enable denser housing.
7:30 Town Meeting Preparation
Review roles for Informational Hearing on Budget and for Town Meeting
Review Anticipated Questions
8:00 Financial Report: Fiscal Year 2024 July-January Financial Report
8:10 Reports
Town Clerk: Teegan Dykeman-Brown
Town Administrator: Kari Bradley
Curtis Pond Dam: Jamie Moorby
IT: Jordan Keyes
Status of Shedd v. Calais: Anne Toolan and Jordan Keyes
o Executive Session under 1 VSA Section 313 (a)1 (E) Pending or probable civil litigation to which the public body is a party
8:30 Executive Session: Town Administrator Check-In
9:00 Adjournment
Note: Agenda items may be taken up earlier than noted if items are completed more quickly than anticipated.
To join via Zoom:
Closed Captioning on Zoom will be available for those who wish to use it.
Mar 6, 2025, 6 to 7 PM
Tabletop RPG at the LibraryMar 8, 2025, 11:30 AM to 2 PM
Coffee House ConcertMar 8, 2025, 6 to 8:30 PM