Hi Neighbors,
The Ward 1 NPA, the community's ongoing open conversation about important issues facing our part of the city, will happen Wednesday, February 14 from 7-9PM (food at 6:30ish) at the Friends Meeting House at 173 N Prospect Street. We encourage folks to come to the Meeting House, but if you cannot make it in person, please attend over Zoom.
This month there are two major issues we will discuss: (1) The Neighborhood Code, which continues to generate much interest in the ward, and (2) a proposed memorandum of understanding between the city and the Medical Center (note: this is not the MOU with UVM, which continues to undergo revision – we hope City Council can hold off a vote on a revised MOU with the University until after our NPA meeting next month).
Folks from the City and from UVMMC will be at the meeting to talk and listen, focusing on impacts to our ward. There has been substantial public commentary in FPF and elsewhere from residents on the Neighborhood Code and folks have expressed their opinions and concerns. We have limited time at the NPA meeting for the topic, so we request participants limit their editorializing at the NPA and focus on specific questions that Planning Director Meagan Tuttle can address.
There is also time on the agenda for Zoraya and Tim to provide updates, including descriptions of ballot items about which we will be voting on Town Meeting Day. And Gary Golden will talk about the proposed school budget on the ballot, and its impacts, both financial and educational.
Of course there is time set aside for Speakout and Announcements, and an opportunity for candidates to introduce themselves.
We hope to post the agenda and any germane documents prior to the meeting. Look on Civic Clerk, https://burlingtonvt.portal.civicclerk.com/ and choose Feb 14 on the calendar or search for Ward 1 NPA and it will come up once CEDO posts it.
Here are the meeting details:
Ward 1 Neighborhood Planning Assembly (NPA)
Wednesday, February 14, 2024 7:00 - 9:00 PM
In-person at the Friends Meeting House, 173 North Prospect Street
And Zoom online
Webinar ID: 962 4593 9050
Or by phone: +1 929 205 6099 ID= 962 4593 9050
6:45 Welcome and Food: Sam Ayotte
7:00 - Formal start - Introductions: name, street
Announcements: share events, meetings, activities of interest to Ward 1 community.
7:10 - Speakout - an opportunity to raise concerns & appreciations about Ward 1
7:30 - School Commissioner update - budget, taxes, impact, cuts, adds, issues - Gary Golden
7:45 - City Councilor update - ballot items: carbon fees, tax increase for public safety; City budget progress - Zoraya Hightower and Tim Doherty
8:10 - Neighborhood Code impact on Ward 1- update & discussion - Meagan Tuttle
8:35 - UVMMC MOU (Medical Ctr & City Memorandum of Understanding) - Karen Vastine
9:00 - Adjourn
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