Selectboard Regular Meeting

Past event
Feb 6, 2024, 6:30 PM

AGENDA (Times are approximate)

6:30 PM Call to order
6:30 PM *** Public Comment
6:35 PM * Review Agenda for approval - for addition, removal, or adjustment of any items per 1 V.S.A. §312(d)(3)(A).
6:40 PM Updates & Reports:
- ***Highway Department Report (Bill)
- ***Treasurer Update (Tim/Van)
- **IT Update (Tim) - VC3 Security/Tech Upgrade
7:10 PM Current Business & Authorizations:
- * Review/approve Access Permit #24-004 for Quaker St. parcel (Pohlman)
- * Review/approve new Personnel Policy cover page
- * Reauthorize treasurer/bookkeeper to pay certain payroll items on time if prior to normal Selectboard authorization
- * Review & Approval of Accounts Payable & Payroll Warrants
- * Review & Approval of Minutes from 1/16/24 regular meeting and 1/23/24 special meeting
7:30 PM Appointments & Employment:
- Executive session regarding the appointment, employment, or evaluation of a public officer or employee. 1 V.S.A. § 313(a)(3)
8:15 PM New Business:
- **Discuss holding public hearing on FY25 budget on Feb 13
- **Discuss moving March 5 Regular Meeting to March 6
- **Discuss town plowing the parking area at Willards Woods
- *** Other Business, concerns, ideas, etc.
8:30 PM Adjourn

*Decision Item
**Possible Decision Item
***Discussion Only

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 853 3264 2853
Passcode: 778709

Next regularly scheduled meeting: Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Our Town Office is fully accessible to all. If you need special accommodation, please call 802-453-2980 as early as possible before the meeting.

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