The Selectboard of the Town of Charlotte hereby gives notice that, in accordance with 17 V.S.A. § 2645(a)(3)(a)(A) & (B), § 2645(a)(6) and 17 V.S.A. § 2641(a), it will holds two public hearings on a petitioned-for proposal to adopt a municipal charter.
The First Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, January 30th, 2023 to discuss and take questions regarding the charter proposal. The First Public Hearing will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Charlotte Town Hall, Located at 159 Ferry Road in the Town. While the charter proposal is made by the petition, and not by the Selectboard, Town officials will be present during the public hearing to answer questions regarding the proposal.
The Second Public Hearing will be held on Monday February 5, 2024. The Second Public Hearing will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Charlotte Town Hall, Located at 159 Ferry Road in the Town. Town officials will again be present during the public hearing to answer questions regarding the charter proposal. Note, however, that the Selectboard does not have authority to revise a charter proposal made by petition.
After the two public hearings, the petitioned charter proposal shall be submitted to the voters to be voted on by Australian ballot on March 5, 2024, at Town Hall. A public informational hearing will precede that vote.
Please note: If you have any comments, questions or suggestions regarding the accessibility of this meeting, please contact Nathaniel Bareham, Town Administrator. Additionally, if you are unable to attend the meeting, but wish to make a comment or ask a question regarding the article please email your comment or question at least one hour in advance to Nathaniel Bareham at
This public informational session will be held by online (via Zoom) and in-person. All links and information will also be posted on the Town's website and calendar at:
The public may participate online or by phone using the information below.
• To join meeting online (via Zoom) please click the link, here.
• To join meeting by phone please call 1-929-205-6099 and dial the Meeting ID and Passcode below:
o Meeting ID: 822 4815 5622
o Passcode: 350033
For more information on participating in Selectboard meetings via Zoom, please click the link:
A concise summary of the substantive provisions of the petitioned-for charter proposal follows:
Section 3. Town Manager/Road Commissioner
The Town shall have a Town Manager form of government per Title 24 Chapter 37, with the duties per 24 V.S.A. § 1236, except for the duties of the Road Commissioner, which shall continue to be an independent and elected position.
An official copy of the charter proposal is on file for public inspection in the Town Clerk's office. Copies shall be made available to members of the public upon request.
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