Town of Richmond
Recreation Committee Meeting Agenda
Tues, Feb 6, 2024, at 7 - 8:30 PM Hybrid-
Town Office Conference Room, 3rd Floor.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 863 5730 2307
Passcode: 639340
I. Call to Order (by 7:05pm)
II. Welcome
III. Public comment for non-agenda items (7:05-7:15)
IV. Business: (7:15 - 8:30)
A. Snowshoe event roles and tasks assignments
i. Promotion - posters in towns, Front Porch Forum/Facebook, other
ii. Roles at events:
1. Pick up snowshoes at Library (Jack) Friday Feb 23 for first day Feb 24 VG. Shei will take them after the Feb 24 event to the Feb 25 event in Huntington and bring them to the Feb 26 event in Bolton.
2. Set up 9:30
a. Feb 24 VG, Richmond Senior Center Volunteers and Sheri
b. Feb 25 Huntington Town Forest Sheri
c. Feb 26 Smilie School, Bolton Jack, and Sheri
3. Event activity leaders (help with snowshoes, sign in and out, activity leaders each day, resources needed)
4. Break down 12:00 at each site.
5. Return snowshoes to Library.
6. Other
iii. Volunteers Green and Zoning in the flood hazard overlay
iv. Discussion with Volunteers Green Brown's Court Project Committee (VGBC) about park ideas for Volunteer's Green: Debrief about VGBC Meeting Jan 23 and 30. Questions:
1. What is the Rec Committee's role to help with (managing/ organizing) access to multi or single purpose courts at Brown's Court?
2. What organizations may help with managing new rec structures?
(Library, Senior Center and others)
3. What about the shed? VGBC had the idea to make access public (keycode) and then what about monitoring?
4. What about maintenance of the new structures? Does the Rec Committee make recommendations to SB? Does the Town monitor it?
5. Idea to move the playground to higher ground and placement of structures in VG.
B. Administration:
i. Approval of Minutes from previous meeting: Dec 5, 2023 .
ii. Thank you, Kate, for submitting the annual report for Richmond Town Report.
iii. Committees to invite to collaborate in 2024 meetings and when.
C. Next meeting in 2024: March 5 next meeting agenda items.
D. Adjourn: 8:30
Feb 16, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM
Movement for Parkinson's Winter/Spring SessionFeb 20, 2025, 12 to 1:15 PM
Stories and Songs with Beth and David LondonFeb 21, 2025, 11 to 11:45 AM