Hybrid Meeting. In-person at the Town Hall Meeting Room, 7900 Williston Road (use back entrance) or online with Zoom Meeting ID 846 5863 3532 on https://zoom.us/join or call 1-646-558-8656
I. Public Forum
II. Public Hearing
HP 24-01 Michelle Carr requests a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace the asphalt shingle roof with a dark grey standing seam metal roof at 77-79 Penny Lane in the National Register Historic District of the Village Zoning District (VZD). NR-137-07 Lyon Apartment House.
DP 24-14 Pre-App Chittenden Solid Waste District requests pre-application review of the proposed Materials Recycling Facility, a ±72,000 square foot building, vehicle scale, associated site work on 2 lots totaling 36 acres at 432 and 694 Redmond Road in the Industrial Zoning District East (IZDE).
Continued from January 8, 2024: APP 24-02 Waldo and Mary Siple c/o Alex Goodrich appeal the zoning violation dated October 24, 2023, Re: RV Use Exceeding Duration Limits and Unpermitted Establishment of a Dwelling Unit at 1250 South Road in the Agricultural/Rural Zoning District (ARZD).
III. Communication, Final Plans and Other Business
IV. Minutes of January 23, 2024
V. Adjourn
Agenda documents, including site plans, and Zoom instructions are posted to the town website: https://www.town.williston.vt.us/index.asp?SEC={85223762-3B47-4846-9C55-8EAFA34D77A2}
All DRB meetings are also live steamed by Town Meeting TV on YouTube, visit the following link for the YouTube Channel to live stream or watch a prior meeting: https://www.youtube.com/townmeetingtv
Responses posted to Front Porch Forum are not actively monitored by staff and are not considered public testimony. To provide testimony, please attend the DRB meeting or send an email/letter directly to me: aplumb@willistonvt.org or Andrew Plumb c/o DRB, 7900 Williston Road, Williston VT 05495. In order to appeal a DRB decision, an interested party (as defined in WDB 6.5.5) must provide oral or written testimony, evidence, or a statement of concern.
Mar 1, 2025, 10 AM to 2 PM
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