Dams & Landslides - Hazard Mitigation Meeting Jan. 25

Past event
Jan 25, 2024, 7 PM

Plainfield Hazard Mitigation Committee

The public is welcome to attend in person or by Zoom. In-person attendees should park in the Town lot across from the Opera House. Handicap accessible drop-off or parking is available in front of the building.

AGENDA - 7 p.m. Thursday, January 25th Plainfield Town Hall Opera House, 18 High Street - Route 2

1. Call Meeting to Order - Introduce Guests (Maggie)
2. Changes to the Agenda
3. Approval or Amendment of the Minutes from December 21 meeting
4. Discussion of proposed study to assess options for the Batchelder Dam (Jen)
5. Discuss and vote to authorize a grant application for a scoping study of the dam (Michael, Jen)
6. Slideshow updating status of landslides beside Route 2 and Brook Road (Michael)
7. Planning for January meeting (Maggie)
8. Adjourn

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6280392654?pwd=SzBvVlpLbjBJdWtkYWs3dXBRTWJiQT09

Meeting ID: 628 039 2654

Passcode: 123123

To join by phone (only one connection is possible) call 802-322-5019. If you hear a busy signal, the connection is no longer available.

Michael Billingsley, Committee Secretary

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