We are excited to offer a special weekend edition of our Community Craft Times! Bring your own craft or we have all the supplies for a simple embroidery project and will provide instruction as well. A snack will be provided and feel free to bring something to share if you like. Everyone of all ages and backgrounds are welcome; children with an accompanying adult. All crafts welcome: knitting, crocheting, sewing, spinning wheels or drop spindles, paper crafts, embroidery, weaving, mending, anything!
Ruth Bernstein
Salisbury Free Public Library
918 Maple St. (across from the Salisbury Post Office)
Salisbury, VT 05769
Tuesday 10am-6pm; Thursday 1pm-4pm; Saturdays 9am-12 noon
Remember we are free, open, and here to serve anyone, from any town.
Phone: 802-352-4198
Email: salisburypubliclibrary@gmail.com
Facebook: @SalisburyLibrary
Instagram: @salisburyfreepubliclibrary
Website: https://salisburypubliclibrary.wordpress.com/