Coffee House Reboot

Past event
Feb 2, 2024, 7 to 9 PM

I had put the Red Brick Coffee house on hiatus for the last several months due to lack of audience participation (and partial post-Covid burn out), most likely due to post-Covid changes to public perception and participation in the performing arts. Things are starting to turn around again, I perceive, and I have been asked from several different folks as to when the Coffee House will start back up again.

So, I have decided to reboot the Coffee House starting this next month, on the first Friday in February, February 2nd (known as Ground Hog Day), starting at 7pm til' 9pm, to see if this can be a regular thing again in Westford's public and musical heritage moving forward. Please put this on your social radar and calendar, ask musician friends to come join us, and plan to come out for another hang out with your neighbors and friends, to share some face time with others, and maybe enjoy some new music.

To all considering performers, - all types of music styles are welcome to come out to play. I am aiming to help keep the volume level down so that all types of musical forms and skill levels can be presented, so that this can be both a learning and doing experience and atmosphere. Please come to participate, even if that means just bringing some snacks and beverages to hang out with and listening in on the vibe. This will be what you make of it, always a work in progress. My role is just to be an enabler of a sharing live musical or performance art experience (public story telling and stand-up routines encouraged as well). I can lead the band in a tune or turn the reigns over to anyone wishing to lead their own renditions of performance art in their own making. The goal is to have a shared, friendly, and open environment for all ages, in which a public performance can occur for all levels of skill, experience, and ambition. This is where unexpected magic can happen, ...and does.

Here's to future of the Red Brick Coffee House...enjoy!

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