Hundreds of people stepped up to help neighbors and strangers alike after July's flooding.
We want to hear from you and enjoy a meal together, too.
Help the town strengthen its emergency response planning.
The Town Manager will be attending to listen to your ideas about lessons learned.
Please spread the word to people in your neighborhood!
Location: American Legion
Feb 4 West: Bunker Hill, Route 14 North, West Hill areas
Feb 18 Central: Downtown, Hopkins Hill, Bridgman Hill, Mackville, Route 14 South areas
Feb 25 East: Greater East Hardwick Area, Center Road, Route 16 areas
4:30 Doors Open for Appetizers and a Brief Local Trivia Challenge
5:00 Dinner - Vegetarian options will be offered.
5:30-6:30 What Were Our Strengths, What Gaps Existed and What's Next
There is no power greater than a community discovering what it cares about.
Margaret Wheatley