A huge Thank You to Carol E. for hosting Saturday's Iris Card class. The afternoon was so much fun, the class was so organized, and the craft produced gorgeous one of a kind cards. Spectacular day!
A picture of the finished cards, and all our past crafts can be seen in our season 2 gallery at
We have 10 classes left in season 2, and already planning for season 3! The momentum, support and participation has been humbling! Donations of supplies are always fun to receive as the creative minds of our crafters find new and wonderful ways to repurpose. We have been give an entire craft room of paper crafting supplies, quilting kits that are being assembled, finished, and will be on display soon, and we have a few wonderful local stores offering items that would otherwise go into the landfills. We've been given sap buckets, cases of glue sticks, rounds of wood, and so much more. Our Grant from AARP Vermont has allowed us to invest in much needed supplies, and gives us the opportunity to host a Craft Fair in May. Lots of plans moving forward, all sorts of creativity and excitement happening, and so very much to be grateful for! Thank you all!
"What goes around comes around". Thanks to all we have received, we are able to give back, in a small way. We had a class in December where we assembled candy sleds and trees, and donated them to our local food banks, along with a dollar amount that we collected that day. We are also donating to the Veteran's Place Raffle, and plan to continue supporting and helping where we can.
Northfield Farmer's Market has been a wonderful platform for us to showcase our overstock inventory, and it is a very well organized and professional process. We were even invited to participate in the Veteran's Place Raffle where we are donating two sap bucket baskets to carry the winners treasures home in. If you would like to know more about the Market or the raffle check out their site…
Join us when you can. It's always a good time!