More people who live in Vermont (USA) are needed to share their stories during this event!!!
9th Annual Mental Health Advocacy Day, Vermont, United States.
> WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Mental health advocates, peers, family members, professionals, providers, community members and mental health stakeholders.
Date & Time Jan 29, 2024, 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register for the meeting at
Hey there! Want to make a difference in the world of mental health? Well, get ready for the 9th Annual Mental Health Advocacy Day in Vermont, United States! It's that time of the year when advocates from all walks of life come together to raise their voices and show their unwavering support for mental health. Although this year's event will be held virtually on Monday, January 29 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the spirit and passion will be just as strong as ever. With the theme of "Welcoming and Caring Communities - Belonging for All," this day aims to push for an inclusive and supportive environment. But here's the exciting part: on January 31, 2024, co-sponsors and advocates will be waiting for you at the Statehouse Card Room to meet and greet legislators. It's an amazing opportunity to have your voice heard in person, or alternatively, you can join in on the action through Zoom. So, who should attend? Anyone and everyone who cares about mental health – advocates, peers, family members, professionals, providers, community members, and mental health stakeholders. Mark your calendars for January 29, 2024, starting at 10:00 AM Eastern Time, and be part of this empowering day of advocacy!
10:00 am — Welcome and Introductions
10:15–11:00 am — Legislative Panel: Advocacy to Strengthen our Sense of Belonging and Mental Wellness
11:00–11:45 am — Community Leader Panel: How does a sense of belonging support mental health and how can we strengthen it?
11:45–12:00 pm — Mental Health Advocacy Day Awards
12:00–12:30 pm — Lunch Break
12:30–2:00 pm — Sharing Stories – Live and pre-recorded
Jan. 30–Feb. 2 — Testimony at Key Legislative Committees (schedule to be sent once finalized)
Morning Panel Discussions
Legislative Panel - 10:15-11:00 am:
Advocacy to Strengthen our Sense of Belonging and Mental Wellness
Moderator: Emily Hawes, Commissioner, Department of Mental Health
Legislative Panelists:
Rep. Daisy Berbeco, Winooski, Chittenden County, Democrat, House Committee on Health Care
Rep. Melanie Carpenter, Hyde Park, Lamoille County, Democrat, House Committee on Health Care
Rep. Jonathan Williams, Barre, Washington County, Democrat, House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
Rep. Mary-Katherine Stone, Burlington, Chittenden County, Democrat/Progressive, House Committee on Education
Community Panel - 11:00-11:45 am:
How does a sense of belonging support mental health and how can we strengthen it?
Moderator: Robin Shabazz, Principal, Eastledge Group
Max Barrows, Outreach Director, Green Mountain Self Advocates
Matt Wolf, Senior Associate for Youth Empowerment, Vermont Afterschool
Kheya Ganguly, Director of Trauma Prevention and Resilience Development, Department of Mental Health
Submit Your Artwork
12:00-12:30 pm
A picture is worth 1000 words! Attendees have the opportunity to share their talent through art. We will run a slideshow of submitted art and photos on Mental Health Advocacy Day during the lunch break. Send your art, with its title, by Tues., 1/23, to: as a JPG, PRN, or PDF file. Please include permission for us to use your name as the artist OR just simply submit your art without using your name.
Share Your Story
12:30-2:00 pm
There are a few openings left to share your lived experience story, a poem, or other insights at the event from 12:30-2:00 p.m. Each participant will have 2–3 minutes to speak. You may pre-record your story or share it live on January 29. If you plan to pre-record your story, please read the guidelines below.
Register to share your story at
Guidelines for pre-recording your story are at this link.[...]zmL
Please submit any questions to:
Thank you!
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