Yes, the Solomon Wright Public Library will accept donations for their upcoming book sale on November 1, 2014.
Boxes and bags of books/cds/dvds that are in very good to excellent condition may be dropped off during the library's scheduled hours.
Mon. thru Wed 4-8, Tuesday also 10-2 and Thurs through Sat 10-noon.
If you would also like to volunteer for that day for a couple of hours or to sort books a few hours, let us know.
We would rather not have to dispose of: very old encyclopedias or subject matter sets, or books that have mold, books that are torn, very dusty, water damaged or written in...we try to have really good bargains and nice quality for our supporters who come to our sale for that reason.
If you have any questions feel free to call the library at 823-5400.
Submitted by Linda Hall
(already sorting books:)