6:00 Call to Order, Additions or Changes to Agenda and Administrative Items
- Approve Minutes of January 8, January 15, and January 16, 2024
- Move and Vote to Approve Board Orders; Sign Board Orders
- Sign Selectboard Rules of Procedure
- Adopt the Resolution establishing the need for purchase of a road grader as required in order to warn a bond vote for Town Meeting
- Review State Equalization Study
- Approve 2024 mileage certificate for AOT determination of state aid for town roads
- Authorize Chair to sign letter to VT Agency of Transportation regarding Luce Road culvert grant
6:15 Public Comment: Up to 15 minutes; time will be divided so that everyone has equal time to speak
6:30 CAI Technologies Demonstration of Electronic Mapping Data System: Franco Rossi
7:00 Plan for Town Meeting
- Discuss Town Warning and who will move various items at Town Meeting with Gus Seelig
Possible Action: Approve and Sign final 2024 Town Warning
- Plan for a February 26, 2024 Informational Hearing regarding the proposed FY'25 budget and Town Meeting Australian ballot
- Review Budget Message
7:30 Create and Appoint an Emergency Management Committee: Nick Emlen
- Possible Action: Vote on the following, "Shall the Selectboard create a Calais Emergency Management Committee pursuant to 20 V.S.A. Chapter 1, Section 6 which states "Each town and city of this State is hereby authorized and directed to establish a local organization for emergency management in accordance with the State emergency management plan and program." The committee shall consist of 10 members, one of whom shall be the Emergency Management Director who shall be the Chair. Each member and the Director shall be appointed by the Selectboard to serve a three year term. However, initial appointments shall be for 1, 2, and 3 year terms so that only some terms shall expire in any given year.
- Possible Action: Appoint the following slate of members:
Member Initial Term
Jake Aho 3 year term, ending in 2027
Barbara Butler 1 year term, ending in 2025
Betty Copeland 2 year term, ending in 2026
Nick Emlen 3 year term, ending in 2027
Jane English 2 year term, ending in 2026
Rick Kehne 1 year term, ending in 2025
Toby Talbot 1 year term, ending in 2025
Anne Toolan 2 year term, ending in 2026
Denise Wheeler 3 year term, ending in 2027
Vacant to be appointed in March 2024
7:45 Budget Process Debrief: What worked well? How could the process be improved?
7:55 Selectboard Role in Development of a new Town Plan
8:05 Reports
- Town Clerk: Teegan Dykeman-Brown
- Town Administrator: Kari Bradley
- Curtis Pond Dam: Jamie Moorby
- IT: Jordan Keyes
- Status of Shedd v. Calais: Anne Toolan and Jordan Keyes
Possible executive session under 1 VSA Section 313 (a)1 (E) Pending or probable civil litigation to which the public body is a party.
8:30 Adjournment
Note: Agenda items may be taken up earlier than noted if items are completed more quickly than anticipated.
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Closed Captioning on Zoom will be available for those who wish to use it.
Mar 3, 2025, 6 to 8 PM
Trad Music House Concert March 8Mar 8, 2025, 6 PM
Adult PickleballMar 9, 2025, 9 to 11 AM