By Kate Nugent, Winooski Coalition for a Safe and Peaceful Community, Malletts Bay Ave, katenugent@wcspc.org
Event: Sep 27, 2014, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
4 out of 10 teens who have misused a prescription drug got it from their parents' medicine cabinets. You can make a difference. Properly secure and dispose of unused and expired medications at a local take-back site on Drug Take Back Day, September 27, 10 AM to 2 PM, at the South Burlington Police Department on Gregory Drive. The other South Burlington drop-off location is at the UMall.
Returning your unused and expired medications is secure and anonymous, helps prevent misuse and related crimes, and keeps medications out of our water sources.
Thank you for all you do to keep our children safe and healthy! For more information, visit WCSPC.org.
Many thanks to the South Burlington Police Department, the Vermont Department of Health, and other coalitions in Chittenden County helping to make this event possible.